Mailing Address
Primitive Archer Magazine
PO BOX 79306
Houston, TX 77279-9306
Phone: 713.467.8202

Email Us
Editor Ed Ingold
Marie Luther for Events
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Submissions & Letters to the Editor
Manuscripts and photographs sent to Primitive Archer should be addressed to:
The Editor
Primitive Archer
PO BOX 79306
Houston, TX 77279-9306
Phone: 713.467.8202
They should be accompanied by a self-addressed envelope with return postage. Photographs should be released for publication by the source. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts. Manuscripts may also be submitted by e-mail the Editor.
Primitive Archer accepts electronic submissions. Slides and glossy prints are best for pictures. Digital pictures are fine as long as they are at least 300 dpi at 4" x 6".

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PO BOX 79306
Houston, TX 77279-9306
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Magazine Information

Primitive Archer Magazine
A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of
“Bigger Than That Productions-LLC”

Publisher - Monroe M. Luther
Executive Vice-President - Marie Luther
Managing Editor - Ed Ingold
Technical Editor - Marc St. Louis
Hunting Editor - Tony Kinton
Editor Emeritus - Gene Langston
Copy Editor - Amos Steppski and Marie Luther
Associate Editors - Billy Berger, Patrick Blank, Bill Campbell, Tony Kinton, Mickey Lotz, Marc St Louis, Cipriano Rivera
Website Moderators - Mark Baggett, Cipriano Rivera, Pat Brennan, Keenan Howard, Ryan O'Sullivan, Eddie Parker, Justin Snyder, MArc St. Louis, James Parker, Marie Luther
Social Media Moderators - Patrick Blank and Marie Luther
Accounting - Jennifer Mock
Event Coordinator - Marie Luther
Design, Layout and Illustration - Daniel Lim

Primitive Archer Magazine strives for accuracy and honesty in its advertisements and articles but assumes no responsibility for content.

Primitive Archer is published six times a year.

Copyright ©2016 Primitive Archer Magazine
All rights reserved.